CHEM 2P32 Hints for Assignment 4


1. The formulas and magnetic moments of four octahedral complexes are given below. For each complex, draw the d-orbital splitting diagram and show the locations of the electrons. Calculate the CFSE for each complex in terms of the octahedral splitting energy and the pairing energy.

(a) [Fe(H2O)4(OH)2]+, magnetic moment = 5.92 B.M.

(b) [Cu(NO2)6]4-, magnetic moment = 1.73 B.M.

(c) [Cr(H2O)6]3+, magnetic moment = 3.87 B.M.

(d) [Co(ox)3]3-, magnetic moment = 0 B.M.

2. The octahedral splitting energy for the ion [Ni(en)3]2+ is 11,850 cm-1. Calculate its value in kJ/mol, and determine the value of the CFSE for [Ni(en)3]2+ in kJ/mol. Report your answers to 3 significant figures.

3. One of the following two complexes is square planar, the other is tetrahedral. Which is which? For each, draw the appropriate d-orbital splitting diagram and show the locations of the electrons.

(a) [Ni(CN)4]2-, magnetic moment = 0 B.M.

(b) [NiBr4]2-, magnetic moment = 2.83 B.M.

4. This question involves a calculation of the octahedral preference energy for the chloro complexes of Ni2+.
(a) The complex ion [NiCl6]4- has an octahedral splitting energy of 81 kJ/mol. Calculate its CFSE in kJ/mol.

(b) Assume that the tetrahedral splitting energy is equal to 4/9 of the octahedral splitting energy, and calculate the CFSE of [NiCl4]2- in kJ/mol.

(c) What is the octahedral preference energy for Ni2+? (kJ/mol)

5. A researcher recorded the visible spectra of four different complexes of the same transition metal, [MF6]3-, [M(NH3)6]3+, [M(H2O)6]3+, and [MCl6]3-. He labelled the spectra A, B, C, and D, but forgot to write down which spectrum belonged to which compound.

Look at the spectral data below and tell the poor researcher which spectrum belongs to which compound.

Spectrum A has a peak at 14190 cm-1 Spectrum B has a peak at 18200 cm-1

Spectrum C has a peak at 22750 cm-1 Spectrum D has a peak at 16380 cm-1


Question 1 Answer
Determine the number of d-electrons in each metal ion. If you don't have the correct number of d-electrons your answer to this question will be wrong. Fe(III) has 5 d-electrons, Cu(II) has 9, Cr(III) has 3, and Co(III) has 6.

Now determine the number of unpaired electrons from the magnetic moment. Draw the octahedral splitting diagram that shows the correct number of unpaired electrons. Complex (a) has 5 unpaired electrons, complex (b) has 1, complex (c) has 3, and complex (d) has none.

Recall that each electron in a t2g orbital is stabilized by 0.4 Deltao, and each electron in an eg orbital is destabilized by 0.6 Deltao, and calculate the CFSE.





Note that the fourth complex is low-spin (t2g6) instead of high-spin (t2g4eg2). Two electrons in the eg orbitals pair with two in the t2g orbitals, thus leading the correction for the pairing energy in the CFSE.

Question 2 Answer

Multiply this number by Avogadro's number to get the octahedral splitting in kJ/mol.

CFSE = 170 kJ/mol

Question 3 Answer
The metal ion in both complex ions is Ni(II), a d8 ion. The crystal field splitting diagrams for tetrahedral and square planar d8 complexes are shown below. Thus [NiBr4]2- is the tetrahedral species (magnetic moment corresponds to 2 unpaired electrons), [Ni(CN)4]2- is square planar (no unpaired electrons).
square planar diagram: magnetic moment is zero 
tetrahedral diagram; magnetic moment is 2.8 B.M. (2 unpaired electrons)
Question 4 Answer
(a), (b) Ni(II) is a d8 metal ion. Octahedral [NiCl6]4- and tetrahedral [NiCl4]2- have the following splitting diagrams and crystal field stabilization energies.

Octahedral CFSE = -1.2 x 81 kJ/mol = -97.2 kJ/mol

= -0.8 x 4/9 x 81 kJ = -28.8 kJ
(c) Thus, other factors being equal, Ni(II) prefers octahedral coordination to tetrahedral. The OSPE is the difference between the stabilization energies in octahedral and tetrahedral coordination,
OSPE = -97.2 - (-28.8) = -68.4 kJ/mol
Question 5 Answer
The peak positions in a set of octahedral complexes of the same metal ion are expected to be in the same order as the spectrochemical series as the ligands. The complex whose ligand(s) are highest in the spectrochemical series will have the highest-energy absorption.

The ligands for the complexes in this question are in the order NH3 > H2O > F > Cl in the spectrochemical series. Thus the spectra are assigned as follows:

Spectrum A is [MCl6]3-

Spectrum B is [M(H2O)6]3+

Spectrum C is [M(NH3)6]3+

Spectrum D is [MF6]3-


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