CHEM 2P32 Hints for Assignment 7


1. Hint. Refer to Section 4.1 in Wulfsberg, especially Table 4.1.

2. Hint. To get the anhydride (oxide), determine the oxidation state of the central atom and write its formula as an oxide. This is equivalent to removing 2 H and 1 O (H2O) from the acid or base, until you have only an oxide remaining.

Example: Pu(OH)3. Plutonium in this compound is in the +3 oxidation state, so its basic anhydride is the oxide of Pu(III), Pu2O3. [equation: 2 Pu(OH)3 ---> Pu2O3 + 3 H2O]

Example: H4XeO6. Xenon is in the +8 oxidation state, so its acid anhydride is the oxide of Xe(VIII), XeO4. [equation: H4XeO6 ---> XeO4 + 2 H2O]

3. Hint. Very easy question if you've learned the formulas for the various acids and bases formed by elements in a particular oxidation state. Not so easy if you're not sure whether periodic acid is HIO4 or H5IO6 (this comes with knowledge as you take more courses in chemistry). Table 2.7 will be useful here, as it gives the formulas for important oxo anions, which in turn come from the oxo acids.
Example. Write balanced equations for the reaction of XeO3 with H2O and with Na2O.

Solution. Xe is in the +6 oxidation state. Table 2.7 (p. 40 in Wulfsberg) shows that the oxo anion formed by Xe(VI) is XeO42-. Thus the reactions are expected to be

XeO3 + H2O ---> H2XeO4

XeO3 + Na2O ---> Na2XeO4

Example. Write a balanced equation for the reaction of SiO2 with MgO.

Solution. This is more complex because there are so many silicate anions. Two possibilities are:

MgO + SiO2 ---> MgSiO3 (chain or cyclic silicate)

2 MgO + SiO2 ---> Mg2SiO4 (orthosilicate)

Either equation would be correct unless you are told that there is excess MgO available, in which case only the second equation is correct.
4. Hints. Basically you have to know the formulas of the anions, just as in question 3. For the amphoteric hydroxides, you will need to know the coordination number of the cation to get the correct hydroxy species when the amphoteric oxide/hydroxide reacts with base.
Example (amphoteric oxide). Write balanced equations for the predicted reactions of Sb2O3 with HNO3 and with NaOH.

Solution. Sb2O3 is an amphoteric oxide of antimony(III) (Table 4.1). The antimonite anion has the formula SbO33- (Table 2.7). Thus the anticipated reactions are

Sb2O3 + 6 HNO3 ---> 2 Sb(NO3)3 + 3 H2O

Sb2O3 + 6 NaOH ---> 2 Na3SbO3 + 3 H2O

5. Hints. What's the oxidation number of the cation? What's the oxidation number of the central atom in the anion? Write formulas for their oxides and you have the answer to the question.

6. Hints. All compounds in part (a) have the correct formula to be perovskites. All compounds in part (b) have the correct formulas to be spinels. What is necessary is to figure out whether the cations have the correct radii.

7. Hints. You calculated the octahedral site preference energy in Assignment 4 for certain metal complexes. Do the same thing again for this question on spinels. All cations in this question are in high-spin states, whether octahedral or tetrahedral. (The concept of OSPE developed because earth scientists were puzzled by the "inverse" spinels.)

8. Hints. See Sections 4.7 and 4.8 on silicates and isomorphous substitution. Table 4.8 gives the correlation between silicate formulation and structure. The replacement of silicon by aluminum or other similar-sized +3 ions can lead to aluminosilicates with the same basic structure as the silicate from which it was derived. Thus, K[AlSi3O8] and Ba[Al2Si2O8] each have a 1:2 ratio of (Al+Si) to oxygen in the aluminosilicate anions. This means that they are framework silicates, i.e. 3-dimensional networks resembling the SiO2 3-dimensional structure but more complex because of the need to incorporate the cations to balance anion charge when Al3+ replaces Si4+.

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Last revised: March 3 2001 by M. F. Richardson
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