Winter 2001

Important Policies

A. Missed labs or tests

If you miss a lab because of illness, please submit a medical certificate to the course instructor or to the senior demonstrator. You will either be excused from that piece of work or required to make it up at a mutually convenient time to be scheduled. You may also request to be excused from a lab for certain reasons other than illness, such as a death in the immediate family.

Missed assignments cannot be made up.

If you miss a scheduled exam, you will need to provide a medical certificate or other valid reason (including documentation) for not writing the exam and a makeup exam will be set. Students who do not have valid reasons for missing an exam will be given a zero on the exam.

Final examinations are administered by the Registrar's Office and exam regulations are available elsewhere. Note that it is your responsibility to carefully read the exam timetable and to be in the right place at the right time for examinations. Since exam timetables can be changed up to shortly before the exam period, be sure that you have seen the final timetable, not just the earlier tentative one. Excuses such as "I showed up for the examination in the afternoon but found that it had been given in the morning" are not normally accepted.

B. Penalty for late labs and assignments

It is Chemistry Department policy that a lab turned in late is penalized 10% for each day that it is late, with no credit given after 5 days. Note, however, that most of the labs must be completed and reports turned in in order to pass the course, so that handing them in late is much better than not turning them in at all.

Assignments will not be accepted after 4:30 p.m. on the due dates.

Attention!Please refer to the Brock Chemistry Handbook or the Brock S afety Manual
for general departmental policies.

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