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Stuart M. Rothstein: Publications

P. Langfelder, S.M. Rothstein, and J. Vrbik, "Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo Calculation of Non-differential Properties for Atomic Ground States", J. Chem. Phys.107, 8525-8535 (1997).

V. N. Staroverov, P. Langfelder, and S.M. Rothstein, "Monte Carlo Sudy of Core-valence Separation Schemes", J. Chem. Phys. 108, 2873-2885 (1998).

M. Snajdr, J. Dwyer, and S.M. Rothstein, “Histogram Filtering as a Tool in Global Optimization of Many-body Wave Functions”, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 9971-9981 (1999).

H.L. Cuthbert and S.M. Rothstein, Quantum Chemistry Without Wave Functions: Diffusion Monte Carlo Applied to H and H2+, J. Chem. Educ.76, 1378-1379 (1999).

M. Snajdr and S.M. Rothstein, “How Accurate Are Physical Properties Estimated From Variance-Optimized Wave Functions? Accurate Physical Properties For H2, He, and LiH”, J. Chem. Phys 112, 4935-4941 (2000).

M. Hornik, M. Snajdr, and S.M. Rothstein, “Estimating The Overlap Of An Approximate With The Exact Wave Function By Quantum Monte Carlo Methods, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 2496-3498 (2000).

M. Hornik and S.M. Rothstein, “Quantum Monte Carlo Study of
 the Static Electrical Properties of H and He", in Recent  Advances  in Quantum Monte Carlo Methods, Part 2. (World Scientific Singapore) appearing in 2001.